In 2010 the Winton Wetlands Committee of Management was charged with restoring and renewing the old dam site. The Committee has set about its task with gusto and has delivered a thriving site supported by multiple partners and supporters. The Committee has focussed on:
Rebuilding ecological integrity and protecting and reintroducing threatened species
Renewing infrastructure and amenity to rebuild local access, recreation and pride
Creating unique and life-changing experiences for visitors
Involving local indigenous people in the renewal project and through recognition of hundreds of indigenous cultural heritage sites
Demonstrating how ecological and cultural regeneration can affect people’s lives and drive economic developmentSteeped in a rich historical tapestry, the integration of art into Winton Wetland’s landscape has added an interpretive layer to the site, driven by the surrounding environment and community – past, present and future. Prominent artists such as Andrew J Bourke, Troy Firebrace and Guido Van Helton have told stories inspired by the landscape, on a canvas uniquely “Mokoan”.